
Dr. Geoff Goldbogen In Memoriam

Dr.Geoff Goldbogen

Geoffrey Chiam Goldberg, known to us as Geoff, was born January 3, 1944 in Chicago, Illinois. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics at the University of Missouri in Rolla in 1965. He earned a Master of Science in Mathematics at Adelphi University in 1967. He then earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Missouri at Rolla in 1971.

He worked as a system programmer in New York for 2 years before becoming a Mathematics instructor in Rolla and then a research fellow at Argonne National Laboratories in Illinois. Returning to New York in 1971, he spent 9 years as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Union College in Schnectady. He worked as a microcomputer consultant and later Director of Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing at Rensselaer Institute in Troy. He later became a Consultant for Digital Equipment in Marlborough, Massachusetts and a member of the editorial board for Robotics and Autonomous Systems.

Geoff joined the School of Computing in January 1999. He was a talented educator and was well-liked and respected by both his colleagues and students. He worked in the School until his unexpected death in September 1999.