
Accommodated Parking

Handicap parking sign in parking lot
"My disability exists not because I use a wheelchair, but because the broader world isn't accessible." - Stella Young

Accommodated Parking

Important: Students with state-issued accessible parking placards may request accessible parking permit directly from Parking Services without registration with CEADR. 

To request a permit directly from Parking Services, complete the Handicap Parking Verification form.


Additional Options for Accommodated Parking

Alternatively, students may register with CEADR and have their parking accommodation eligibility reviewed. To register with CEADR, complete the steps below: 

  1. Complete an and indicate the need for a parking accommodation. 

  2. Submit a copy of the state-issue accessible permit or vehicle license plate and the registration form to verify that the permit is registered in your name.

  3. A follow up email from CEADR will be sent to your JagMail account with further instruction to complete your registration. 


The Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources may also grant temporary parking requests.