
Safety Committee



Department of Safety and Environmental Compliance


Members of Safety and Environmental Compliance Committee Regular Appointments 


William Guess, Chair
Director, Safety & Environmental Compliance
EOB 220

Elizabeth Bordeaux
Manager, One Stop
MH 2100

Chris Cleveland
Associate VP, Auxiliary Services
DLTC 110

Connie Cook
Director, Risk Management
CSAB 312

Todd Culp
Manager, Facilities Service
AD 001

Jessica Evans
Chemistry Stockroom Manager
SLB 204  

Ryan Ferguson
Director, Student Health
Student Health Services

Phil Fishel
Interim Chief of Police

Charles Guest
Executive Vice Provost, Acad Affairs
AD 300

Chris Hansen
Chief Compliance Officer
AD 246

Dusty Layton
Executive Director, Research Compliance & Assurance
AD 240

Ralph McDonald
Security Officer I, Baldwin County Campus

Luanne Oliveira-Galanopoulos
Senior Research Lab Manager

Andy Poche
Maintenance Supervisor

Lindsay Schambeau
Senior Research Lab Manager
EOB 305

Angela Smith
Allied Health, Secretary V
HAHN 2011

Jimmy Tagert
Superintendent, Utilities
CPLT 0031

Michelle Taylor
Radiation & Laser Safety Officer
CSAB 334

David Turnipseed
MCOB 332

Andrew Williams
Assistant Director, HS Safety

Clive Woods
Associate Dean, College of Engineering
SHEC 2112

SGA President 
Student Government Association
Student Center, Suite 214